Public Plans

For the average retail trader, investing can be a complex and decision-heavy process. Public Plans allows investors to trade pre-made or custom plans of mixed assets on a schedule.

Public Plans

For the average retail trader, investing can be a complex and decision-heavy process. Public Plans allows investors to trade pre-made or custom plans of mixed assets on a schedule.

Public Plans

For the average retail trader, investing can be a complex and decision-heavy process. Public Plans allows investors to trade pre-made or custom plans of mixed assets on a schedule.



Mobile, Web


2022 – 2023


Public is an investing platform for intermediate retail investors who are experimenting with fundamentals and defining their personal strategies. Before this project, investors were only able to trade one asset at a time, without the option to trade multiple assets on a recurring schedule. Many competing brokerages have recurring trades, but few offer the option to trade different asset types at once. We built a feature that aligned with our investors strategies to offset market volatility by dollar-cost-averaging stocks, ETFs, and crypto.


Public is an investing platform for intermediate retail investors who are experimenting with fundamentals and defining their personal strategies. Before this project, investors were only able to trade one asset at a time, without the option to trade multiple assets on a recurring schedule. Many competing brokerages have recurring trades, but few offer the option to trade different asset types at once. We built a feature that aligned with our investors strategies to offset market volatility by dollar-cost-averaging stocks, ETFs, and crypto.


Public is an investing platform for intermediate retail investors who are experimenting with fundamentals and defining their personal strategies. Before this project, investors were only able to trade one asset at a time, without the option to trade multiple assets on a recurring schedule. Many competing brokerages have recurring trades, but few offer the option to trade different asset types at once. We built a feature that aligned with our investors strategies to offset market volatility by dollar-cost-averaging stocks, ETFs, and crypto.


Because this was a high profile feature, we put effort into adding education and discovery around what users could expect from creating a Plan, and how a recurring schedule can offset market volatility. Flexibility around recurring schedules and Plan management were must-haves from a differentiation perspective – giving our users the most custom recurring investment tool on the market.


Because this was a high profile feature, we put effort into adding education and discovery around what users could expect from creating a Plan, and how a recurring schedule can offset market volatility. Flexibility around recurring schedules and Plan management were must-haves from a differentiation perspective – giving our users the most custom recurring investment tool on the market.


Because this was a high profile feature, we put effort into adding education and discovery around what users could expect from creating a Plan, and how a recurring schedule can offset market volatility. Flexibility around recurring schedules and Plan management were must-haves from a differentiation perspective – giving our users the most custom recurring investment tool on the market.


Prioritize discovery for Plans on search and asset pages, including a place to browse all Plans that showcases holdings and data.


Increase revenue in a consistent way, including partnering with established firms to market and sell their "sponsored" Plans.


Keep investing options flexible and differentiated from competitors by offering both custom and curated Plans of mixed asset classes.

Educational modal

For first-time Plan creation we surfaced an educational moment to inform users about the feature, and how Plans can be a good investing strategy. From a technical perspective, we were able to save engineering effort by adapting an existing carousel pattern. I worked directly with content and Brand to showcase the advantages of recurring investments.

Try this prototype

Plans hub

We concentrated a lot of effort on discovery in order for users to browse available Plans, or for them to build their own custom Plan. By breaking down the Plans by category, users can easily find a Plan based on industry, theme or asset type.

Plan management

The flexibility of funding and scheduling Plans was important for users who want to have the most control over their recurring buy schedules. Being able to pause and start a Plan at any time gives users the freedom to decide what is best for them based on their individual goals and strategies.

Plan management

The flexibility of funding and scheduling Plans was important for users who want to have the most control over their recurring buy schedules. Being able to pause and start a Plan at any time gives users the freedom to decide what is best for them based on their individual goals and strategies.

Plan management

The flexibility of funding and scheduling Plans was important for users who want to have the most control over their recurring buy schedules. Being able to pause and start a Plan at any time gives users the freedom to decide what is best for them based on their individual goals and strategies.

Fund, schedule, and allocate across assets.

Pause, resume, or end an existing Plan at any time.

Custom Plans

While some users prefer a more hands-off approach with curated pre-made Plans, others wanted the option to build their own Plans with assets of their choosing. In general, beginner investors preferred pre-made Plans, while advanced investors wanted the flexibility of custom Plans.

Custom Plans

While some users prefer a more hands-off approach with curated pre-made Plans, others wanted the option to build their own Plans with assets of their choosing. In general, beginner investors preferred pre-made Plans, while advanced investors wanted the flexibility of custom Plans.

Custom Plans

While some users prefer a more hands-off approach with curated pre-made Plans, others wanted the option to build their own Plans with assets of their choosing. In general, beginner investors preferred pre-made Plans, while advanced investors wanted the flexibility of custom Plans.

Opt to build a custom Plan with any asset and set allocation.

Multiple options for trade schedule frequency, any day of the week.

Multiple options for trade schedule frequency.

On the web

While web usage among users was lower than mobile, there was enough of a cohort to bring this feature to the web. A main focus was to keep as much parity between mobile and web, so designs were handed over with existing patterns thanks to a shared design system language.

On the web

While web usage among users was lower than mobile, there was enough of a cohort to bring this feature to the web. A main focus was to keep as much parity between mobile and web, so designs were handed over with existing patterns thanks to a shared design system language.

On the web

While web usage among users was lower than mobile, there was enough of a cohort to bring this feature to the web. A main focus was to keep as much parity between mobile and web, so designs were handed over with existing patterns thanks to a shared design system language.

Lessons learned

The most difficult parts of the project involved compliance regulations, and backend logic. I worked with compliance to plan how disclaimer language would cover legal implications, and with engineering to define logic and fall-back plans for funding and allocation edge cases.

Lessons learned

The most difficult parts of the project involved compliance regulations, and backend logic. I worked with compliance to plan how disclaimer language would cover legal implications, and with engineering to define logic and fall-back plans for funding and allocation edge cases.

Lessons learned

The most difficult parts of the project involved compliance regulations, and backend logic. I worked with compliance to plan how disclaimer language would cover legal implications, and with engineering to define logic and fall-back plans for funding and allocation edge cases.

Compliance negotiation

All curated Plans had to seem "equal" and not a recommendation, so we opted to add an "All" Plans tab on the discover page before categories.

Backend logic

Trading multiple assets at once meant funding and allocation needed guardrails to ensure enough buying power was available.

Disclaimer framing

I believe we could have pushed back on requirements for the number of disclaimers, and found more creative ways to surface it.

Design details

There was several touch points that were "good enough" for initial launch, but I had design ideas for post launch. Others are changes I would recommend if I had continued to be a designer on the next iteration of this feature.

Design details

There was several touch points that were "good enough" for initial launch, but I had design ideas for post launch. Others are changes I would recommend if I had continued to be a designer on the next iteration of this feature.

Design details

There was several touch points that were "good enough" for initial launch, but I had design ideas for post launch. Others are changes I would recommend if I had continued to be a designer on the next iteration of this feature.


If users are looking to compare Plans, they have to go back and forth between "all Plans" and the Plan pages.


To solve this, I would add arrow buttons within the existing bottom navigation to easily browse other Plans.


If users choose to build a custom Plan, they are taken to a page where a sheet automatically appears to choose assets. It's a bit jarring, and doesn't use the screen real estate well while searching for assets.


For a better experience, I would prioritize adding assets before asking users to name their new Plan. By splitting up these two pages, users can focus on one thing at a time, and are given more real estate to search.


Within two months, more than 10,000 Plans were created by our users, helping them diversify their portfolio, save time, and offset the volatility of the market by trading on a recurring schedule. While I am no longer a designer at Public, I hear that Plans continue to be a successful project.


Within two months, more than 10,000 Plans were created by our users, helping them diversify their portfolio, save time, and offset the volatility of the market by trading on a recurring schedule. While I am no longer a designer at Public, I hear that Plans continue to be a successful project.


Within two months, more than 10,000 Plans were created by our users, helping them diversify their portfolio, save time, and offset the volatility of the market by trading on a recurring schedule. While I am no longer a designer at Public, I hear that Plans continue to be a successful project.

By the numbers:

Plans are currently responsible for ~80,000 filled trade orders per month. On average, that is $1.5M in monthly order value.

By the numbers:

Plans are currently responsible for ~80,000 filled trade orders per month. On average, that is $1.5M in monthly order value.

By the numbers:

Plans are currently responsible for ~80,000 filled trade orders per month. On average, that is $1.5M in monthly order value.

Let's work


Let's work


Let's work

