
Public Groups

As investment portfolios grow larger it becomes harder to track gains and losses across strategies, multiple industries, assets, and asset types. Groups help investors organize their holdings and follow high-level performance at a glance.

Public Groups

As investment portfolios grow larger it becomes harder to track gains and losses across strategies, multiple industries, assets, and asset types. Groups help investors organize their holdings and follow high-level performance at a glance.

Public Groups

As investment portfolios grow larger it becomes harder to track gains and losses across strategies, multiple industries, assets, and asset types. Groups help investors organize their holdings and follow high-level performance at a glance.




Mobile, Web




We heard from our users that as they added more holdings to their portfolio, it was becoming harder to see their investments and performance at a glance. With this in mind, we focused on making the portfolio (especially on mobile) more customizable to our users needs.


We heard from our users that as they added more holdings to their portfolio, it was becoming harder to see their investments and performance at a glance. With this in mind, we focused on making the portfolio (especially on mobile) more customizable to our users needs.


We heard from our users that as they added more holdings to their portfolio, it was becoming harder to see their investments and performance at a glance. With this in mind, we focused on making the portfolio (especially on mobile) more customizable to our users needs.


By talking with our users and testing prototypes, I better understood what would help them analyze their investment strategies.


By talking with our users and testing prototypes, I better understood what would help them analyze their investment strategies.


By talking with our users and testing prototypes, I better understood what would help them analyze their investment strategies.


Few competitors had tools to organize a portfolio on mobile. And none prioritized or highlighted performance.


I was able to A/B user test two concepts and found one to be easier and more helpful for our investors to use.


The newly updated portfolio organizer became the most used feature, including an expanded version users paid for.

Concept testing

With two directions for being able to sort owned holdings, I advocated to A/B test both with current users and collected their thoughts and feedback.

Concept testing

With two directions for being able to sort owned holdings, I advocated to A/B test both with current users and collected their thoughts and feedback.

Concept testing

With two directions for being able to sort owned holdings, I advocated to A/B test both with current users and collected their thoughts and feedback.


Custom Groups would appear in a list, with the ability see all holdings or expand and collapse any Group.


Custom Groups would appear as tabs, with the ability to scroll through Groups while holdings appear below.

Testing takeaway

I learned that participants preferred 'Tabs' to the 'List' architecture because they found it easier and faster to use. It kept their portfolio from being a very long vertical list, and saved them time with reduced scrolling and open/close interactions.

Testing takeaway

I learned that participants preferred 'Tabs' to the 'List' architecture because they found it easier and faster to use. It kept their portfolio from being a very long vertical list, and saved them time with reduced scrolling and open/close interactions.

Testing takeaway

I learned that participants preferred 'Tabs' to the 'List' architecture because they found it easier and faster to use. It kept their portfolio from being a very long vertical list, and saved them time with reduced scrolling and open/close interactions.

A major insight:

"I want to be able to compare performance of these custom categories against the S&P 500 on any given day."

With this strong signal, I advocated to add daily performance for each Group, allowing users to get a sense of how their custom Groups were doing on the day.

A major insight:

"I want to be able to compare performance of these custom categories against the S&P 500 on any given day."

With this strong signal, I advocated to add daily performance for each Group, allowing users to get a sense of how their custom Groups were doing on the day.

A major insight:

"I want to be able to compare performance of these custom categories against the S&P 500 on any given day."

With this strong signal, I advocated to add daily performance for each Group, allowing users to get a sense of how their custom Groups were doing on the day.

Ideal state

Performance as percentages was the ideal state of this feature, however, we compromised with engineering to simplify for launch.

For launch

Due to technical issues with adding percentages at launch, I opted to use up or down arrow icons as an affordance until percentages could be used.

Launch strategy

With testing and design complete, Groups was handed off to engineering while Product made the decision to have a free and paid version of the feature. All users would be able to make one Group, while Premium users would have the ability to create up to ten Groups.

Launch strategy

With testing and design complete, Groups was handed off to engineering while Product made the decision to have a free and paid version of the feature. All users would be able to make one Group, while Premium users would have the ability to create up to ten Groups.

Launch strategy

With testing and design complete, Groups was handed off to engineering while Product made the decision to have a free and paid version of the feature. All users would be able to make one Group, while Premium users would have the ability to create up to ten Groups.

Create a Group

The investor portfolio now appears as tabs, with users original Watchlist being added to the second position. Through testing, I landed on the entry point being "Organize portfolio" as a way to market the new feature, as it is more clear than a generic call-to-action like "Create Group".

Manage Groups

The management page makes it easy to see all Groups, the number of assets, and the ability to edit or delete a Group. While Groups are displayed alphabetically on the portfolio by default, users can manually re-arrange the order of their Groups.

On the web

One major company initiative all teams were working towards was getting Web up to date with all Mobile features and updates. During this project, I designed the feature to work for both platforms, and partnered with both engineering teams to make sure that any trade-offs worked with all parties.

On the web

One major company initiative all teams were working towards was getting Web up to date with all Mobile features and updates. During this project, I designed the feature to work for both platforms, and partnered with both engineering teams to make sure that any trade-offs worked with all parties.

On the web

One major company initiative all teams were working towards was getting Web up to date with all Mobile features and updates. During this project, I designed the feature to work for both platforms, and partnered with both engineering teams to make sure that any trade-offs worked with all parties.


After launching, we heard from users that Groups helped them better organize their portfolio, and they appreciated that their feature requests were heard and acted on. In the end, this feature brought value to our investors and helped them in a positive way on their investment journey.


After launching, we heard from users that Groups helped them better organize their portfolio, and they appreciated that their feature requests were heard and acted on. In the end, this feature brought value to our investors and helped them in a positive way on their investment journey.


After launching, we heard from users that Groups helped them better organize their portfolio, and they appreciated that their feature requests were heard and acted on. In the end, this feature brought value to our investors and helped them in a positive way on their investment journey.

By the numbers:

Groups are used by 40% of Premium users, making it the most popular paid feature.

Premium users pay $10/month for exclusive content, metrics, and features.

By the numbers:

Groups are used by 40% of Premium users, making it the most popular paid feature.

Premium users pay $10/month for exclusive content, metrics, and features.

By the numbers:

Groups are used by 40% of Premium users, making it the most popular paid feature.

Premium users pay $10/month for exclusive content, metrics, and features.

Let's work


Let's work


Let's work
